The issue which has surely caught the local media's headlines is that of Raymond Davis's(A US diplomat as per being told by the states department) act of killing two people in lahore.
I wont be trying to create any sentimental dilemma here but would rather be substantiating facts so that we reach up to a more logical conclusion.
Firstly taking a quick sneak back of what really happened! According to our media and other authentic sources it is being confirmed that the so called US diplomat fired at the men for self defense as they tried to raid him on motorcycle as he was in his car.
Now the situation at hand is that Mr.Davis is under police custody whereas the government of United States demands his immediate freedom.
Now speaking of the picture at hand on what basis does American government demands Davis's freedom? "Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations", an international law which clearly states under its article 29 that diplomats must not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. They are immune from civil or criminal prosecution. Hence with the international law's proceedings its quite clear that Davis shouldn't be under captivation and that is what the State's government demands.
On the other hand if being caught the diplomat can only be released once the the foreign office issues his/her immune certificate and if it does not then the foreign representative may have to face legal action but even in that case Davis will find an easy way out on the basis of "Self Defense" but the proceedings can take time.
The question that arises here is why our foreign office is not taking a suitable action to the cause. The reason is that once if they do release the foreign diplomat it would bring the government nothing else then hatred from the local public which it has already been carrying during its three year tenure and if they don't release davis and carry on with the court proceedings as being said by our President then we can surely expect something worst in return from States.
Hence after looking through all these facts and available options I would only suggest that the government should try to develop some understanding with its fellow strategic partner(USA) to give them a short period of time so that the public impact to the issue cools down and then that they could release the foreign diplomat!