The header says it all of what I am going to discuss in this article. Wiki leaks, an organization or a media agency and what not has released some highly confidential documents related to the current global scenario, decisions that were taken in locked rooms, ones we never know of and ones that are outlandish... let it be the election of our beloved President.
In the recent revelations being made by wikileaks over Pakistan in particular may sound quite heart throbbing but they do have evident facts behind. Let it be The Saudi Monarchist’s perception regarding President Zardari or let it be the fact that Middle eastern entrepreneurs are funding the Muslim Fundamentalist and terrorist organizations in Pakistan and abroad or a sudden military coup by dismantling this present government.
The credibility of President Zardari hasn’t been up to the standards a. He has made mistakes and does not hold the clearest of images when it comes to certain felonies. These aspects surely could have lead to such statements from those Saudi Monarchists over President Zardari making the leak some how explainable.
The other case in point is the sympathy being held by the middle eastern capitalists for the terrorist organizations currently functioning in Pakistan. Though our government officials disregard this fact so that the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia do not get affected in particular or for the fact that Saudi Arabia turns out to be a safe prospect(heaven) when our politicians step back from their governmental roles. But yes the case in point is that there have been certain huge funding which is being made to these militant organizations through the middle east as these groups had developed a soft corner in the hearts of these Saudi Entrepreneurs in the late 80’s.
Thirdly a military takeover? Yes the leak is true to an extent that after how the government mishandled the specifications of “The Kerry Luger Bill”, army did intervene and it did warn the government not to put on stake the sovereignty of Pakistan at any cause. Pakistan Army took a very strong notice of those unacceptable demands that this government did agree upont and took appropriate steps to put them out of the bill. This particular even could have gone up to a military takeover if the government would have challenged the army’s decision in any way.
The post affects still prevail within the government of what happened over Kerry Luger Bill but Gen Kiyani has handled the situation well by keeping things in control and letting the democratic process grow. Letting President Zardari remain in power, Pakistan army appears to have won over US and other global leaders which indeed is a good sign.
Hence I would only conclude that there is a lot to talk about but what matters the most is Pakistan and its autonomy which we can never give up and never will……..
Pakistan Zindabad.
It has almost been two years since I mainly focused on the former President Of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf in my articles. But the recent header over News week's upcoming Pakistan issue " Don't Mess With Pakistan" some how urged me to right over him.
Musharraf recently gave an interview to an internationally acclaimed magazine news week which will be published later this month in which he warned the anti Pakistan elements to stop working over conspiracies against the nation or else Pakistan will make them suffer!!!
Musharraf has been hugely criticized by many news analysts and politicians in Pakistan for the fact that he made Pakistan step into west's war over terrorism which now indeed has turned out to be our war .
The former President was under the spotlight during his 9-year period in office. Many regard his period as a revolution in Pakistan’s political and economic history while certain faction believes that what we are experiencing today was being sowed during his times.
I have been a keen supporter to Musharraf’s policies and his deep concerns over Pakistan’s global position. The Retd General is currently heading a political party with the name of “ All Pakistan Muslim League” with an ambission to bring prosperity to Pakistan.
In his recent interview to the News week he looked quite aggressive with his approach regarding Pakistan’s sovereignty. He notified the fact that Pakistan has the potential to overcome any crisis it is facing or may face in upcoming future.
I believe a libertarian like Musharraf holds the potential to change things around for Pakistan. He has done it before that’s why the local religious extremists do not like him much neither do the national political parties.
I found Musharraf different because he thinks “Pakistan comes first” unlike others who do shout out loud that “Pakistan Khappay” but they never mean it.
Musharraf did bring a lot of hope to Pakistan in his era and I believe that’s a great achievement for a leader.
Hence being someone who wants Musharraf back in this system I would just say that we truly miss you sir. May God bless you.
Pakistan Paindabad!!!!