As we have been seeing for past three or four months that how Pervez Musharraf is being pressurized by the major political parties of Pakistan to leave presidency and that is what majority of Pakistan wants that he should resign as the President of Pakistan.
But the thing I want to make clear is that political parties and the awam(common man) have different reasons.Political Parties want him to be out for taking law in his hands and throwing CJ I mean chief justice out of his job,whereas people want him out for supporting USA in "War Against Terrorism" and some want him out because of the increasing inflation which I believe cannot be controlled by anyone.

One of the things that have made me astonished is the way Sharif Brothers are behaving against the President and are making continous interference in his personal as well as his political issues which in my point of view should be equally incountered.According to the President in his auto biography "In The Line Of Fire" he said that Nawaz Sharif wanted him out as the Chief Of Army Staff in 1999 when he was the PrimeMinister of Pakistan but due to the sincere Army the act was reversed and the Sharif Brothers were being thrashed out of Pakistan.
Hence keeping the history in mind I believe that Nawaz Sharif is after Pervez Musharraf for personal reasons which are being pointed out by the TV anchors of different channels specially GEO NEWS.
The second political party that is behind Pervez Musharraf and is
pretending to throw him out of President House is People's Party Parliamentarian(PPP)which is headed appearently by two people Asif Zardari and Bilawal Zardari Bhutto(Husband and Son of Benazir Bhutto).This political party is continously making statements that the President would resign in July and then they will say that sorry he will resign next year in July.
Hence this party is trying its best to keep all the parties including opposition in one shelter and I hope that they can achieve this objective.
Now The Awaam.What they want? They don't want this free judiciary, they don't want these political parties to think and discuss.They only want roti"food"two times a day inorder to live in this world.
So what I believe is that People don't want anyone out or in they just want their livelihood in order to live.
But then why many people still say that Pervez Musharraf should resign I believe that these people are right but in their perspective because if they say that why he is an ally of USA?th
en I would say that this is the only way Pakistan can survive and if they say about the operation in Waziristan or Lal Masjid then they have seen themselves"Laaton ke Bhoot Baaton se nahin Mante" and if they say inflation then I would say that Musharraf is not the reason,it is happening all around the world even in india the inflation has increased a record high 13%(According to BBC).

So in the end I would say that please do not waste your time in saying that he should resign and he should be elected but try your best to serve your country as this country needs you and me.We have taken alot from this country now its time to payback.
Pakistan Zindabad!!!!